Thank you for choosing beauty. The rose bushes are looking magnificient. I would love to see more pictures of the whole ensemble.

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I don't even have so much as a balcony in my condo, so I'll admit this makes me a little jealous.

But I love that you are using your outdoor space to do something ambitious, and maybe even the right amount of crazy. There are too many nice yards in North America that are left to rust as balding patches of boring grass.

I look forward to seeing your roses grow into their full potential, this summer and beyond.

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New England is lovely but hamstrung by its austere puritan aesthetics. If you make it down to the fetid Mid-Atlantic, where the glaciers deposited all the topsoil it scraped off your neck of the woods, you'll find gardens with much more pizzaz. Chanticleer in particular started out as a private (though immense) garden, and still retains lots of joyful discovery and "outdoor rooms." Highly recommend.

As for the roses, they're also handy caltrops for stopping a cavalry charge, so your house will be very well defended.

I kid, the work looks good, even if roses run me ragged.

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For me the bliss of gardening is the slow maturation of all the selections I have made over the years. They sprawl, or extend themselves beyond their ‘descriptions’ and they change their colors….so my garden shifts and slips into something glorious and unexpected.

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Beautiful post. I'm inspired. Gotta start saving for a house now.

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In Iran the rose is so important; they know things, those Persians.

Scents, colours and beauty with moments of perfection on a dewy day…

Some heaven on earth you’re creating Simon - a labour of Hercules though it sounds!

A rose in bloom on the sidewalk will be a gift to passers by; the like of which I know few better.

All power to your elbow!

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This took my breath away. Thank you 🌸

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Beautiful post Simon. Making something beautiful starts with just one plant or even a seed. Great lessons for the kiddos and adults.

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