Apr 29Liked by Simon Sarris

You've mentioned a couple of times how you & your wife figured out sleep differently with both your children; I'd love to hear any advice you have! Currently preparing for Baby #1's arrival in the next month.

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Apr 27Liked by Simon Sarris

Office hours request: I just launched my website last week—I would value your feedback as a developer, an artist, and a writer.


All the illustrations are my own. I wanted the website to feel like really high quality paper, but still have life and animation. I also wanted a little bit of a storybook nostalgia, while remaining professional.

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Apr 27Liked by Simon Sarris

Any book recommendations for landscaping inspiration (or do you mainly use online resources / Pinterest, if anything)? Feeling daunted by my blank slate of a yard!

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How do you handle ticks, especially with how much time your children spend in nature? I don’t imagine you’re doing a head-to-toe tick check every night.

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Apr 27Liked by Simon Sarris

Office hours question: what is a beautiful piece of software you have recently been enjoying?

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Apr 27Liked by Simon Sarris

I'm not sure how an office hours differs from an AMA, so I hope this is okay to ask.

How should one think about religion and parenting?

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Really interested in your interactive map. Wife, kids, and I live on 16 acres. Of course have a variety of projects. Over the last 3 years, we have incrementally added a garden (roughly 300 square feet of beds) and blueberries, raspberries, blackberries. We started an orchard (planted the first 10 trees next year, eventually shooting for 30-40 of various fruit trees), and have planted a variety of native hardwood and flowering trees around the property (pecans, chestnuts, oaks, sourwoods, etc).

I have thought a lot about the best way to both plan and track this work so that I'm not constantly asking, "what variety of bluberries did we plant where?" Or "which pecan trees have yielded better over the last few years?" and other similar questions. For my day job, I (for an easy description) am a computational physicist....write code to implement various algorithms to model physical processes. So I write a lot of C++ code, and then like most good scientists, a lot of Python and Matlab. So, O wouldn't mind trying to code up something to do this. But I don't have a lot of experience writing interactive apps or good GUIs.

Have you ever explored using GIS software to plan/track things you're doing on your property? If so, thougths? Pros/cons?

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How do you handle tantrums from your kids?

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Hi Simon. Do you have any general guidelines for a home office? Some particular questions I have: would you face the wall if you are using screens? Would you use an ergonomic chair? Thanks a lot

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