Interesting that the other writers Gibran holds up are all New Englanders. James was born in New York but grew up in Newport, Rhode Island and eventually attended Harvard. The most American America, at least at that time.

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Reading from Greece today but normally Germany 👋

interestingly, the majority of readers from us European Substack writers are also based in the US with the UK usually coming second.

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Jul 5Liked by Simon Sarris

Americans…? 🤣

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I just checked and only 52% of my subscribers are American!

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I THINK SUBSTACK is reporting on where you are read, or where the subscriber was when they signed up at the time .. not quite sure exactly .. but as for being ‘American’ .. no, that said given that Americans are probably reading you somewhere else the stat is likely in the right ballpark .. regards a Brit, currently reading you in New Zealand through a VpN in Florida.

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