I believe this taking of life seriously in the healthiest expression is what was once religion. That those of us on the North American continent have the most freedom of religion ever and few seem to explore it continues to baffle me. I met my wife in the church. I have hindu friends and jewish friends that once they took their religion seriously found not only a partner at temple but a community that elevated them and allowed them to elevate others.

Leaving virtuous bread crumbs everywhere does sound a bit like asynchronous communion, which as communion is sacred it is perhaps both asynchronous and synchronized simultaneously. Perhaps all the acts of the apostles and little things written throughout history are apart of the sacred the communion that sustains us today. True love after all is mystery.

Thank you for this piece. I know I'll be contemplating it for days to come.

Abundant Blessings.

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With this piece of writing, you finally compelled me into paying for your thoughts. I’ve enjoyed your work for a long time.

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Great essay, but… what kind of numeral is this?

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I went up to iiii (clock numerals, not roman) and it felt better to keep going

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